My Interviews and Articles


1. Life Without a Witness_

2. Voices of Deconversion_ 

Today I speak w/Cheryl Abram, author of Firing God. Check it out on Her Louisiana family is full of deacons & ministers. She attended church 6-days/week! Things get tough & she gives God one last go. Her pastor gives her a book-she tells God to F*** off. On a lighter note, she cracked me up w/her story of watching Hitchens debates secretly in her room. So awesome & so hilarious! She elaborates on the meaning of Firing God. I loved her explanation so much. It was such an empowering idea.

3. Boundless Spirit_ 

Join us for a unique and captivating interview with our guest Cheryl Abram on her book "Firing God." Cheryl’s book shares what it means to step into the light of awareness and wholeness from exactly where you are without further learning, doing or decision making. Her honesty about the questions that silently plague the mind simultaneously inspires a sense of freedom to deeply explore such questions. To listen to the 2nd hour of this amazing interview, please subscribe at:

4. Be Here Now 

5. Higher Journeys 

What if you were given a recipe with a complete list of ingredients and told that it was full proof? As long as you didn’t deviate from the instructions, you would have a perfect result.

That’s what the author of Firing God, Cheryl Abram thought. Growing up as a devout Christian, she was determined to follow the recipe for salvation to a T, and she did, but rather than the promise she was told she would receive, she found herself in a life of tumult and confusion; missing the mark on many levels. However, in this process was the trigger for an unexpected journey that changed her perspective in ways like none other.

But first it took an honest confrontation with God…

6. The Humanist Hour

7. Buddha at the Gas Pump 


8. Concerning Learning 

Four Must-Have Skills for Your Training Department to Be Seen as a True Business Partner with Cheryl Abram, Owner of Ypifany

9. Unlearning Evaluation 

10. Executive Women in Motion 


11. Infosec Unplugged 

This episode of InfoSec Unplugged, I have the privilege to speak with Cheryl Abram! We will talk about how she got started, her passion for learning and helping others learn, being an author, her Person-Centered Cyber Youtube channel and content, and MORE!!!

12. Blacks in Cybersecurity_

13. Protecting Your Nigerian Business from Cyber Threats_

There are many more interviews and presentations. Just google or search for "cheryl abram". I'll update this page periodically
