How to Start Your OWN Cybersecurity Business Before 2022

 Watch the video and read the notes and links below.

Visit the Small Business Administration “Starting A Business” page to get all the legal information you need to start your business

1.      Take an inventory of your work (What do you make? And for whom?)

2.      Be clear on the problem your work helps to solve (you’re in pain but my talent will help to take that pain away); or I have a perspective that will release you from the rut you’re in and make things clearer and your decisions more authentic for you

3.      Create a Portfolio of Work (see image)

    Create/beef up your LinkedIn Profile

5.      Start landing clients by

o   Creating a profile and applying for jobs/freelance work on Upwork or other platforms like it (Flexjobs, FreeUp, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr

o   Volunteering at local nonprofits (to gain experience, satisfied clients and potential paid work)

o   Requesting interviews of YouTubers who talk about what you do (until your audience finds you, go where they are)

6.      When you start getting occasional clients via Upwork, word of mouth or other ways, establish a subscription fee or membership website so you can handle all the consulting work they need

7.     Create intellectual property and content: playbooks, infographics, templates, new workflows and processes to differentiate you from those who do the same thing as you do

8.      Leverage your LinkedIn, social media and in-person network for “warm leads” for people in need of your service (for me it’s those who need and want consultation for cybersecurity/risk assessments, audits, policies, security processes and training design).

9.      Start getting more involved with leveraging your social media network and begin blogging, begin accepting invitations to podcasts, webinars, interviews, ask for interviews (if you’re not a writer but you have ideas, go on Upwork, fivver and find people willing to put your ideas on paper)

10. Start commenting on LinkedIn posts relevant to what you do; share your new ideas with others to get their feedback

Platforms to manage your Business

1.      Trello to manage projects and project teams, iterations of documents

2.      Google Workspace for email, secure file sharing, video chat

3.      Google Forms for feedback surveys, assessments, and other forms

4.      Slack or Microsoft Teams; Facebook (Meta’s) Workplace

5.      Also, whatever tool the client is using, you will use also

Franchise opportunities:

·         Require:

o   Minimum net worth and credit score

o   Do market research to be sure your community is not already saturated

o   Hire an attorney to help with reading the fine print

o   Franchises


o   Franchises under $1000


Example: Social Owl ($149 per month)

FINAL Tip in Starting Your Business Before the End of 2021:

·         Know people give them a reason to develop genuine respect for you and for the work you do

·         No one lacks the ultimate currency…TRUST

·         The problem is we have very few places where we feel comfortable investing our TRUST

·         BE that place where someone can spend their trust and get something valuable in return

For more Cybersecurity stories, information, and fun conversation, Subscribe to my YouTube channel Person-Centered Cyber. 

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. I talk more about who we really are, and why knowing this matters on my Life Without a Witness YouTube Channel 

Also, if you create cybersecurity training, want better business outcomes, and better performance at work, come see me on my Everyone Deserves an Ypifany (pronounced "epiphany") Youtube Channel 

Want Coaching?

If you would like phone coaching and other coaching opportunities with me, schedule time here 
