A Learning and Performance Enhancement Strategy for the Cybersecurity Community


I wrote this when I was still in the federal government. It's still pretty good. 

A Learning and Performance Enhancement Strategy for the Cybersecurity Community, by Cheryl Abram, Lead Evaluator, Federal Executive Institute



The cyber security field is booming, with demand for cyber security professionals far outpacing supply, but it can be difficult to find employees who possess all the skills, experience and intangibles the job requires. “In September 2018, the president introduced the country’s first National Cybersecurity Strategy in 15 years to integrate cyber into “all elements of national power”. However, a miscategorized federal IT workforce is ill-organized [to effectively address] mounting global cyber threats. The problem within the Federal civil service is not too many bad employees, it’s an antiquated talent management system which fails to keep up with changing workforce dynamics.  This new evaluation model for learning and talent management systems provokes the use of evaluative thinking through every step of learning and evaluation design to help ensure learners are receiving the training and demonstrating the learning necessary to successfully ensure cyberspace is safe and secure for commerce and for the innovation necessary for mission accomplishment and business growth.



The federal government and other entities are constantly bombarded with cyber-attacks. For example:

April 17th, 2019—"Hackers backed by a nation-state have successfully hijacked DNS records to steal credentials from approximately 40 public and private entities across 13 countries. The ongoing attack targets intelligence agencies, military organizations, energy firms, foreign ministries…and internet service providers. Cisco’s researchers characterize the attackers as “highly capable” and “unusually brazen,”.

April 12, 2019—"Hackers publish personal data on thousands of US police officers and federal agents. “A hacker group has breached several FBI-affiliated websites and uploaded their contents to the web, including dozens of files containing the personal information of thousands of federal agents and law enforcement officers. Their end goal: “Experience and money,” the hacker said.”



Reclaiming cyberspace through use of the new Evaluation Design Model for Learning and Talent Development Programs in cybersecurity training and development can support achievement of federal cybersecurity objectives in a variety of ways. The evaluation model consists of steps, standards and criteria that promote evaluative thinking throughout the design of learning and talent management interventions in the cyber community. The evaluation data, information and results promoted through use of the model can help prove the legitimacy and credibility of interventions under the 2018 National Cybersecurity Strategy and increase the likelihood that the recommendations flowing from the evaluation have the appropriate attention from decision-makers, policymakers, and other stakeholders. I recommend the CIO council hear more about the design model.


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