CyberSecurity Training Program Stakeholder Analysis


I created this stakeholder analysis for a cyber program developed for a middle school. It's very important to discover "who cares" about training programs, then plan and design accordingly.

Cyber’s Future Middle School Program


Stakeholder Analysis

1: Important      2: More Important          3: Most Important






Time, Attendance, Feedback (Work), commitment

Skill, confidence, cybersecurity portfolio, real-world experience, YouTube channel, certifications, employment, money



Money(?), time, commitment

Assurance, pride, confidence


Teachers (North Stafford, etc.)

Time, commitment

Increased knowledge, improved teaching techniques specific to cybersecurity, confidence, hands-on skills, certifications, respect


School Administration (Principal, IT Staff)

Time, facility, technology, materials, commitment, teachers, staff

Pride, respect, recognition, potential budget and grants


Virginia Superintendents

Approval, time, facility, commitment

Recognition, increased validity


Other Regional County Schools

Teachers, facility, commitment

Increased knowledge, improved teaching techniques specific to cybersecurity, confidence, hands-on skills, certifications, respect, pride, recognition, potential budget and grants


Potential Employers


Well-trained and certified interns and employees, more competitive, variety of contract employees


Government (Local, State, Federal)


Variety of potential employees


Nonprofit #1

Time, money, materials, staff

Recognition, profit, Variety of potential interns and employees, grants


Nonprofit 1 & 2

Time, staff

Recognition, profit, Variety of potential interns and employees, grants


 Additional Questions:  

·         How many students will attend the program? (Is there a cap on the number who can attend)

·         How and when will students begin to sign-up?

·         How are parents being informed about the program? I’m assuming we will need parent/guardian permission as well.

·         How much demand is there for this program? Can we ask parents, teachers, and students about their interest in supporting/attending this program? 

·         Where will the program be implemented? I’ve heard it may be in the library, but I need to verify.

·         Will snacks be allowed in the room? If so, who will purchase the snacks?

·         Will IT support be available to help ensure proper configuration of laptops and to address technical issues? We need to discuss what type of laptops will be used (e.g. Chromebook, HP) and plan for “work-arounds” if needed

·         Will teaching assistants be appointed? Need for assistants will depend on the # of students. These don’t necessarily have to be “teachers”, they need to be individuals able to facilitate groups, explain instructions, assist with assignments, etc.

·         Who will pay for the MTASF certification?  Parents? 

·         Are teachers required to attend the program? Will teachers only be from North Stafford? How many teachers will or can attend?

·         Who is paying for the Practice-Labs required for the program?

·         Is there a program budget to purchase and print materials (e.g. nametags, posters, tools)?

·         Are students required to complete homework associated with the program?

·         Is the expectation that all students will achieve a certification?

·         What are other expectations of this program? What does the principal expect? The teachers? The students? The parents? Other stakeholders?

 For more Cybersecurity stories, information, and fun conversation, Subscribe to my YouTube channel Person-Centered Cyber. 

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. I talk more about who we really are, and why knowing this matters on my Life Without a Witness YouTube Channel 

Also, if you create cybersecurity training, want better business outcomes, and better performance at work, come see me on my Everyone Deserves an Ypifany (pronounced "epiphany") Youtube Channel 

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