HELP WANTED: Instructional System Designers in Cyber Security

IT and Cyber Security Training is hard, boring, hard and boring. To be fair, some of it is interesting if you're interested in the topic, but the way this industry operates, most of our training (especially in the beginning of our careers) is obligatory. We have to do it to get the job. 

Maybe this is why instructional design is practically non-existent in the cyber security domain. If we have to learn it then training companies have no incentive to make it meaningful, fun, interesting or useful. Slapping everything subject matter experts know about networks, cyber defense, etc. on PowerPoints is what passes as "good training" in this profession.

And most of  it costs hundreds to thousands of dollars a pop! 

I'm currently creating a quick guide for a nonprofit that will help their trainers to design more meaningful and relevant training for any topic. The inforgraphic on the left is one part of this guide. 

For those of you who don't know, training and learning  can be less painful for alot of us. 

Instructional System Design (ISD) is a very well researched and evolving discipline with practices, tools, degree programs, certifications, well-known professionals and a heap of other things that other professions have!

The Cybersecurity profession needs to start rubbing elbows with the Association for Talent Development and other learning and training associations. 

You can start here 

I'll write more later. But subscribe to my YouTube Channel "Everyone Deserves an Ypifany" (pronounced "epiphany") for training, instructional design, evaluation and other learning topics, novel ideas and information that will definitely challenge what you currently believe about learning & evaluation.  

Ciao for Niao!!!
