Make Learning Cybersecurity More Meaningful by Using User Stories to Design Your Training

 This is a document I created when I worked in HR and was helping to design training for current and aspiring executives.

Learner user stories are adapted from agile methodology and outcome mapping.  

Learner user stories help shift focus from hopeful, hit or miss training objectives and content--that may or may not be relevant and useful to the learner--to cohort specific, readily important, and immediately applicable training milestones and objectives.

Below, I've created a sample template that you can use to help design your next training event. 

(Sample Template) Learner User Story for Training on for Executive Onboarding Framework


As a/an… (type of user)

Responsible for…(project, program, level of performance)

I want/need to (work output, goal, or function)

So that…(some reason, benefit or decision point)


(Those representing the groups whom the learning project/program interacts directly. Those responsible for influencing “business as usual” after the learning event.)

executive mentor

Onboarding other executives

Help them feel valued by the organization

They will be more likely to stay


program manger

Managing the executive onboarding program

Establish a repeatable onboarding process

My replacement knows how the program works



Early evidence of outstanding performance

Quickly get up to speed on the culture of the organization

I can demonstrate my efficiency at problem solving






Learning Milestones: (A learning milestone is an activity that marks a stage in development for the learner. Learners may need to meet subsequent milestones before they are able to see benefits or make decisions. Learning milestones are discussed among the training provider and organizational learning partner)

·         Know the critical roles,(and their value), in an onboarding program

·         Illustrate an executive onboarding program design

·         Outline the executive’s critical path to meaningful onboarding

Learning Objectives: (Learning objectives are broad statements indicating what learners will be able to DO in their workflow and within their sphere of influence after meeting the learning milestone. Accomplishment of learning objectives is directly related to the organizations absorptive capacity—the organization’s ability to recognize, value, support, and use employee knowledge.  

 Learners will be able to:

·         Meet with executives to determine specific mentoring, training, and development needs

·         Draft an SES Onboarding process flow chart from beginning to end

·         Partner with the agency training office (and other relevant offices) to plan meaningful training & development activities.

For more Cybersecurity stories, information, and fun conversation, Subscribe to my YouTube channel Person-Centered Cyber. 

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. I talk more about who we really are, and why knowing this matters on my Life Without a Witness YouTube Channel 

Also, if you create cybersecurity training, want better business outcomes, and better performance at work, come see me on my Everyone Deserves an Ypifany (pronounced "epiphany") Youtube Channel 

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