Why is Sub-netting so HARD? It Isn't.

I am very curious. No, I mean really, really curious and I wondered why learning subnetting was so difficult. I'm a cybersecurity GRC and Policy analyst so I do not subnet networks at all. 

I do, however, create content for people who do subnet regularly, so I wanted to understand it so my course design would be more informed from that perspective.

The typical training you see out there was less than helpful, because I'm too curious. I ask too many questions that seem to have nothing to do with the topic. 

Eventually, I did my own research and I discovered that it isn't difficult at all. It's as simple as turning on a light switch and having one lamp come on vs all the lamps in your home coming on. It's a matter of dividing computing power. 

Subnetting is like plugging a surge protector into one wall outlet, therefore enabling you to power 5 devices instead of 1. CIDR is going the same thing, but backwards.

When subnetting some of the the questions are: 

  1. Who needs computing power and where do they need it? 
  2. Can I divide computing power in a way that isolates one group that needs it from another group that needs it? 
  3. Can I divide computing power that will optomize and/or maximize my bandwidth?

Look at this image that I retrieved from Networkustad.com. There's something in here that speaks to computing power but I haven't quite put my finger on it. I'm noodling it though.

Below this image I have a plethora of informaiton on my Mural that follows the money when it comes to energy and selling computing power. 


This Mural took me months to put together but it's chock full of awesome information regarding what a bit actually is (it's physical just like memory), and why I describe IPV addressing as infrastructure and something that belongs to CONNECTIONS, not to you or your laptop.

Look around and let me know if you have questions or comments. Click the Mural image to see it more clearly. Enjoy!

This is another Mural I started as a continuation of the above to further simplify subnetting. It isn't finished yet but maybe there are some things here that will be useful. Again, click on the image to see the Mural more clearly.
