Still Can't Find a Cyber Security Job?


Looking for a job sucks. Especially when you really need one. The countless applications, resume revisions, hours of preparation for interviews, feelings of nervousness while interviewing, feelings of hope while waiting for a decision and feelings of rejection, disappointment and frustration when you are told in an email or letter: 

Hi (your name here), 
I hope all is well. Thank you for your interest in the position. We have decided to not move forward with your application at this time. We require someone with stronger technical knowledge. Thanks again for your interest and good luck in the future. 

This feedback is a reality for many of us and it's okay. We will not get every job we apply for BUT we can minimize the risk that we will get dozens of these emails before we finally land a job.

To help minimize this risk, I'm sharing 7 videos of strategies I've put together to help you create an effective plan to get hired more quickly.

  1. How to Get Into Cybersecurity With No Formal Work Experience
  2. 10 Reasons Why You Won't Get Hired
  3. Find a Cybersecurity Internship NOW!
  4. Why Your Cyber Job Application was Rejected | 5 Ways to Get the Job!
  5. Get a Cyber Job in ONLY 7 Days!
  6. 3 Interview Strategies to SNATCH That Cyber Security Job!
  7. Get Your Foot in the Door: Go To Where the Cyber Security Jobs & Opportunities Are

Use the video timestamps to go directly to what you want to hear! 

And please comment, share and subscribe to the channel!

How to Get Into Cybersecurity With No Formal Work Experience

It's a combination of experience AND CREDIBILITY that will get you the job. 

10 Reasons Why You Won't Get Hired

When we're clearly qualified but still don't get hired, it may be something we're doing...or not doing. 

Find a Cybersecurity Internship NOW!

The internet is full of places where we can easily find paid internships. Check these out!

Why Your Cyber Job Application was Rejected | 5 Ways to Get the Job!

I figured this out after the fact and discovered several radical ways to get noticed, known and hired.

Get a Cyber Job in ONLY 7 Days!

If  you're in a time crunch, role up your sleeves and let's get this done! 

3 Interview Strategies to SNATCH That Cyber Security Job!

Other humans respond to the same things you respond to. Use these strategies to exploit those similarities. 

Get Your Foot in the Door: Go To Where the Cyber Security Jobs & Opportunities Are

Sounds obvious, right? Check the links in the timestamps. 

“I skate to where the puck is going to be…”—Wayne Gretzky “The future cannot be predicted, but it can be invented”—Dennis Gabor

For more Cybersecurity stories, information, and fun conversation, Subscribe to my YouTube channel Person-Centered Cyber. 

Finally, remember this. It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. I talk more about who we really are, and why knowing this matters on my Life Without a Witness YouTube Channel 

Also, if you create cybersecurity training, want better business outcomes, and better performance at work, come see me on my Everyone Deserves an Ypifany (pronounced "epiphany") Youtube Channel 

Want Coaching?

If you would like phone coaching and other coaching opportunities with me, schedule time here 
